The Teaching of Mathematics
Tome XIV (2011)
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 1
What are completely integrable Hamilton systems
Božidar Jovanović
A problem from the PISA assessment relevant to calculus
Miodrag Mateljević
Aleksandra Rosić
Marek Svetlik
The maximum number of rectangular islands
Attila Máder
Géza Makay
Teaching envelopes in secondary school
Borislav Lazarov
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 2
Milosav Marjanović - on the occasion of his 80th birthday
Rade Živaljević
Siniša Vrećica
A universal sequence of continuous functions
Stevo Todorčević
Farkas' lemma of alternative
Milojica Jaćimović
A contribution to the development of functional thinking related to convexity and one-dimensional motion
Miodrag Mateljević
Marek Svetlik
Some classical inequalities and their application to olympiad problems
Zoran Kadelburg
Euler formula and maps on surfaces
Siniša T. Vrećica
Let's get acquainted with mapping degree!
Rade T. Živaljević
Three manifestations of Morse theory in two dimensions
Vladimir N. Grujić
How to understand Grassmannians?
Djordje Baralić