Publications de l 'Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série
Tome 78(92) (2005)
Completeness theorem for logic with imprecise and conditional probabilities.
Ognjanović, Zoran
Marković, Zoran
Rašković, Miodrag
p. 35
General kernel convolutions with slowly varying functions.
Simić, Slavko
p. 73
Some results of analytic functions in the unit disc.
Polatog̃lu, Y.
p. 79
A characterization of absolutely monotonic () functions of a fixed order.
Morillas, Mariela Patricia
p. 93
Probabilities on first order models.
Ferenczi, Miklos
p. 107
A general strong Nyman-Beurling criterion for the Riemann hypothesis.
Baes-Duarte, Luis
p. 117
On the operator equations and .
Schmoeger, Christoph
p. 127
Holomorphy angles and sectional curvature in Hermitian elliptic planes over fields and tensor products of fields.
Rosenfeld, Boris
p. 135