Publications de l 'Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série
Tome 71(85) (2002)
On bootstrap sample size in exstreme value theory.
Geluk, Jaap
de Haan, Laurens
p. 21
Regular variation and the functional central limit theorem for heavy tailed random vectors.
Meeschaert, Mark M.
Sepanski, Steven J.
p. 55
On the difference between the distribution function of the sum and the maximum of real random variables.
Omey, E.A.M.
p. 63
Karamata's characterization theorem, Feller, and regular variation in probability theory.
Seneta, E.
p. 79
About an old problem of Karamata.
Simić, Slavko
p. 91
General Tauberian theorem in .
Stanković, B.
p. 97
Tauberian theorems for generalized functions in the scale of regularly varying functions and functionals.
Vladimirov, V. S.
Drožžinov, Yu. N.
Zavjalov, B. I.
p. 123
Some applications of Tauberian theorems in probability theory.
Yakymiv, A.L.
p. 133