Publications de l 'Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série
Tome 43(57) (1988)
On distances in some bipartite graphs.
Gutman, Ivan
p. 3
Permanence de relations de récurrence dans certains développements asymptotiques. (Permanence of recurrence relations in certain asymptotic expansions).
Robin, Guy
p. 17
Les représentations irréductibles complexes des groupes SL(3,p), PSL(3,p). (The irreducible complex representations of the groups SL(3,p), PSL(3,p)).
Güzel, Erhan
p. 27
On the convexity of high order of sequences.
Toader, G.
p. 35
A note on certain class defined by Ruscheweyh derivatives.
Obradović, Milutin
Owa, Shigeyoshi
p. 59
Distortion theorems for fractional calculus of certain analytic functions with negative coefficients.
Lee, Sang Keun
Owa, Shigeyoshi
Sekine, Tadayuki
Obradović, Milutin
p. 65
On a Ruscheweyh type generalization of the Pascu class of analytic functions.
Parvatham, R.
Radha, S.
p. 77
Sur le problème de saturation des intégrales singulières dans un espace de fonctions. (On the saturation problem of singular integrals in a space of functions).
Tomić, Miloš
p. 93
Uniform c-convexity of , .
Pavlović, Miroslav
p. 117
Some properties of the quasiasymptotic of Schwartz distributions. I: Quasiasymptotic at .
Pilipović, Stevan
p. 125
A geometric characterization of helicoidal surfaces of constant mean curvature.
Roussos, Ioannis M.
p. 137
Tensor fields and connections on cross-sections in the frame bundle of second order of a parallelizable manifold.
de León, Manuel
Salgado, Modesto
p. 143
Numerical solution of initial and singularly perturbed two-point boundary value problems using adaptive spline function approximation.
Stojanović, Mirjana
p. 155