Publications de l 'Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série
Tome 41(55) (1987)
On the representation of S5 algebras and their automorphism groups.
Mijajlović, Žarko
p. 3
Some analytic methods with applications to number theory.
Ugrin-Šparac, Dimitrije
p. 21
On automorphism groups of non-associative Boolean rings.
Lee, Sin-Min
p. 49
Groups of simple and multiple ribbon antisymmetry.
Jablan, Slavik
p. 53
On the zeros of a polynomial.
Jain, V.K.
p. 75
Entry into the sliding regime of solutions of nonautonomous operator equations.
Alidema, R.I.
p. 79
Mercerian theorems for Beekmann matrices.
Vučković, Vladeta
p. 83
On approximation of integrable functions by modified Bernstein polynomials.
Singh, Suresh Prasad
p. 91
Mixed norm spaces of analytic and harmonic functions. II.
Pavlović, M.
p. 97
On the cut locus and the focal locus of a submanifold in a Riemannian manifold. II.
Singh, Hukum
p. 119
Some limit theorems for one type of stochastic integro-differential equations.
Janković, Svetlana
p. 137
An approximation of tabulated function.
Jovanović, Bora
p. 143
On a question of Ivanov relating to nonlinear quasicontractive mappings.
Ćirić, Ljubomir B.
p. 149