Publications de l 'Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série
Tome 38(52) (1985)
A tree axiom.
Kurepa, Đuro
p. 7
On the minimal distance of the zeros of a polynomial.
Prešić, Slaviša B.
p. 35
Commutative weak generalized inverses of a square matrix and some related matrix equations.
Kečkić, Jovan D.
p. 39
Embedding semigroups in groups. A geometrical approach.
Krstić, Sava
p. 69
On a theorem of Šutov.
Krstić, Sava
p. 83
An application of the Ruscheweyh derivatives. II.
Owa, Shigeyoshi
p. 99
Necessary and sufficient conditions for a system of eigenfunctions and associated functions of a Sturm-Liouville operator with discontinuous coefficients to possess the basis property.
Lažetić, Nebojša L.
p. 119
Justification of the averaging method for functional-differential equations with maximums.
Bainov, D.D.
Milusheva, S.D.
p. 149
An estimate of the Fourier coefficients of functions belonging to the Besov class.
Beriša, Muharem C.
p. 153
On the -compatibility of supports of distributions of -type.
Pilipović, Stevan
p. 157
Bianchi identities in recurrent Finsler spaces.
Čomić, Irena
p. 169
Hypersurfaces of C2-like Finsler spaces.
Singh, U.P.
Gupta, B.N.
p. 177
Isotropic sections and curvature properties of hyperbolic Kaehlerian manifolds.
Ganchev, Georgi
Borisov, Adriyan
p. 183
On a class of processes with multiplicity .
Mitrović, Slobodanka
p. 203
Heuristic for avoiding skolemization in theorem proving.
Pevac, Irena
p. 207