Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics
Tome 42 (2012)
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 1
Bounded linear operators in transversal functional probabilistic space
Renu Chugh,
Sushma Devi
Generalized semi-ideals in ternary semirings
V. R. Daddi,
Y.S. Pawar
Note on
connected ideal spaces
N. Sathiyasundari
V. Renukadevi
Linear span of the conjugacy class of a matrix
Marcin Skrzy\'nski
Generalizations of primary ideals in commutative rings
A. Yousefian Darani
Software systems for increasing availability of scientific-research outputs
Dragan Ivanović
Common fixed point theorem in quasi-uniformizable spaces
Tatjana Došenović
Homomorphism-homogeneous graphs with loops
Andreja Ilić,
Dragan Mašulović,
Uroš Rajković
On weakly
projectively symmetric manifolds
S. K. Chaubey
On concircularly
recurrent para-Sasakian manifolds
Amit Prakash
A characterization of generalized quasi-Einstein manifolds
Dan Dumitru
Obtaining shock solutions via Maslov's theory and Colombeau's algebra for conservation laws with analytical coefficients
S. Bernard,
A. M\'{e}ril,
P. Rodr\'{\i}guez-Berm\'{u}dez,
B. Vali\~{n}o-Alonso
On the
-order of analytic solutions of linear differential equations in the unit disc
Benharrat Bela\"{i}di
Numerical solving of singularly perturbed boundary value problems with discontinuities
Helena Zarin,
Snežana Gordić
Analytic representation for a product of a real analytic and an
-function in
Vasko Reckoski
The weak congruence representability of sublattices and suborders of representable lattices
Vanja Stepanović
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 2
On completely regular ternary semiring
V. R. Daddi,
Y.S. Pawar
Some inequalities on invariant submanifolds in quaternion space forms
S. S. Shukla,
Pawan Kumar Rao
Extension of ridgelet transform to tempered Boehmians
R. Roopkumar
The nested split graphs whose second largest eigenvalue is equal to 1
Marko Milatović,
Zoran Stanić
On generalised inflations of right modular groupoids
R. A. R. Monzo
Two general fixed point theorems for pairs of weakly compatible mappings in
-metric spaces
Valeriu Popa,
Alina-Mihaela Patriciu
Some strongly convergent difference sequence spaces defined by a sequence of modulus functions
Kuldip Raj,
Sunil K. Sharma
Locally Finsler
-modules over locally
E. Ansari Piri,
R. G. Sanati
On a special type of Riemannian manifold admitting a type of semi-symmetric metric connection
Ajit Barman
Hankel determinant for p-valent starlike and convex functions of order
D. Vamshee Krishna,
T. Ramreddy
A remark on Baum-Katz type theorem for
-mixing sequences of random variables
Marcin Przystalski
Characterization of
-lightlike warped product of indefinite cosymplectic manifolds
Rakesh Kumar,
R. K. Nagaich
Modular group action on quadratic field by linear congruence
Farkhanda Afzal,
Qamar Afzal,
M Aslam Malik