Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik
Tome 282 (1976)
Pointwise convergence for expansions in surface harmonics of arbitrary dimension.
E.L. Roetman
p. 1
Zeta-functions, Lambert series and arithmetic functions analogous to Ramanujan's ...-function. II.
Koji Katayama
p. 11
Cluster sets and essential cluster sets of meromorphic functions.
Hidenobu Yoshida
p. 35
On the (p, q)-order and lower (p, q)-order of an entire function.
S.K. Bajpai
O.P. Juneja
G.P. Kapor
p. 53
Application of Papkovitch functions to three-dimensional thermoelastic problems.
Andrawus I. Khuri
p. 68
Harmonic majorants for plurisubharmonic functions on bounded symmetric domains with applications to the spaces H... and N*.
Manfred Stoll
p. 80
Rings whose overrings are integrally closed in their complete quotient ring.
Norman Eggert
p. 88
Über gewöhnliche Hyperflächen. I.
Leonhard Miller
p. 96
Finite bases for integral closures.
R.W. Yeagy
H.S. Butts
p. 114
Distribution of irregular prime numbers.
Tauno Metsänkylä
p. 126
A characterization of Prüfer rings.
Shalom Feigelstock
p. 131
A weakening of the euclidean property for integral domains and applications to algebraic number theory. I.
George E. Cooke
p. 133
Über die Eindeutigkeit der Lösungen algebraischer Gleichungssysteme.
Harald Hule
p. 157
Killing vectors and geodesic flow vectors on tangent bundles.
Shukichi Tanno
p. 162
Décompositions primaires dans les catégories de Grothendieck commutatives. II.
Toma Albu
Constatin Nastasescu
p. 172
Induktive Limites gewichteter Räume stetiger und holomorpher Funktionen.
Klaus-Dieter Bierstedt
R. Meise
p. 186