Inventiones mathematicae
Tome 99 (1990)
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 1
Weylgruppe und Momentabbildung.
Friedrich Knop
p. 1
Rigidity and crystallographic groups, I.
Frank Conolly
Tadeusz Kozniewski
p. 25
Representation of integers by positive ternary quadratic forms and equidistribution of lattice points on ellipsoids.
R. Schulze-Pillot
William Duke
p. 49
Superconnection currents and complex immersions.
Jean-Michel Bismut
p. 59
Long-range many-body scattering.
I.M. Sigal
A. Soffer
p. 115
Compactification of complete Kähler surfaces with negative Ricci curvature.
Sai-Kee Yeung
p. 145
Elliptic curves with complex multiplication and Galois module structure.
Anupam Srivastav
Martin J. Taylor
p. 165
Limits of geometrically tame Kleinian groups.
Ken'ichi Ohshika
p. 185
Geometric finiteness theorems via controlled topology.
C. Grove
P. Petersen
Jyh-Yang Wu
p. 205
Sur une question d'Erdös et Schinzel, II.
G. Tenenbaum
p. 215
Gauss polynomials and the rotation algebra.
M.-D. Choi
G.A. Elliot
N. Yui
p. 225
Théorie d'Iwasawa p-adique locale et globale.
Bernadette Perrin-Riou
p. 247
Régulateurs syntomiques et valeurs de fonctions Lp-adiques I.
Michel Gros
p. 293
Slopes of effective divisors on the moduli space of stable curves.
J. Harris
I. Morrison
p. 321
The Lê varieties, I.
D.B. Massey
p. 357
On universal elliptic curves over Igusa curves.
D.L. Ulmer
p. 377
The geometry of the moduli space of CP2 instantons.
D. Groisser
p. 393
Group cohomology and the cyclic cohomology of crossed products.
V. Nistor
p. 411
Iteration on Teichmüller space.
C. McMullen
p. 425
The structure of single-periodic minimal surfaces.
M. Callahan
D. Hoffman
W.H. Meeks
p. 455
Geometry of KDV(4): Abel sums, Jacobi variety, and theta function in the scattering case.
H.P. McKean
N. Ercolani
p. 483
Variation of complex structures and variation of Lie algebras.
Stephen S.-T. Yau
Craig Seeley
p. 545
Blow-up and global existence for heat flows of harmonic maps.
Wei-Yue Ding
Yunmei Chen
p. 567
On the structure of complete Kähler manifolds with nonnegative curvature near infinity.
Peter Li
p. 579
Geometrically finite groups, Patterson-Sullivan measures and Ratner's rigidity theorem.
L. Flaminio
R.J. Spatzier
p. 601
Parabolic orbifolds and the dimension of the maximal measure for rational maps.
Anna Zdunik
p. 627
An example of two homeomorphic, nondiffeomorphic complete intersection surfaces.
Wolfgang Ebeling
p. 651
Einfacher Zusammenhang der Hilbertschemata von Kurven im komplex-projektiven Raum.
Gerd Gotzmann
p. 655