Fundamenta Mathematicae
Tome 165 (2000)
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 1
On the generalized Massey–Rolfsen invariant for link maps
A. Skopenkov
p. 1
Homotopy and homology groups of the n-dimensional Hawaiian earring
Katsuya Eda
Kazuhiro Kawamura
p. 17
Irreducibility of inverse limits on intervals
David Ryden
p. 29
Nonreflecting stationary subsets of
Yoshihiro Abe
p. 55
Weakly α-favourable measure spaces
David Fremlin
p. 67
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 2
Trajectory of the turning point is dense for a co-σ-porous set of tent maps
Karen Brucks
Zoltán Buczolich
p. 95
Inverse limit spaces of post-critically finite tent maps
Henk Bruin
p. 125
Complexité des boréliens à coupes dénombrables
Dominique Lecomte
p. 139
Toeplitz matrices and convergence
Heike Mildenberger
p. 175
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 3
A converse of the Arsenin–Kunugui theorem on Borel sets with σ-compact sections
P. Holický
Miroslav Zelený
p. 191
General multifractal analysis of local entropies
Floris Takens
Evgeny Verbitski
p. 203
Universally Kuratowski–Ulam spaces
David Fremlin
Tomasz Natkaniec
Ireneusz Recław
p. 239
Dichotomies pour les espaces de suites réelles
Pierre Casevitz
p. 249
A note on strong compactness and resurrectibility
Arthur Apter
p. 258