Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory
Tome 50 (2021)
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 1
Super-Strict Implications
Gherardi, Guido
Orlandelli, Eugenio
A Semi-lattice of Four-valued Literal-paraconsistent-paracomplete Logics
Tomova, Natalya
One-Sided Sequent Systems for Nonassociative Bilinear Logic: Cut Elimination and Complexity
Płaczek, Paweł
On GE-algebras
Bandaru, Ravikumar
Saeid, Arsham Borumand
Jun, Young Bae
Soju Filters in Hoop Algebras
Borzooei, Rajab Ali
Rezaei, Gholam Reza
Kologhani, Mona Aaly
Jun, Young Bae
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 2
Reasoning about Social Phenomena
Jarmużek, Tomasz
Ju, Fengkui
Kulicki, Piotr
Liao, Beishui
Towards a Logic of Value and Disagreement via Imprecise Measures
Faroldi, Federico L. G.
Extended MR with Nesting of Predicate Expressions as a Basic Logic for Social Phenomena
Parol, Aleksander
Pietrowicz, Krzysztof
Szalacha-Jarmużek, Joanna
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 3
A Note on 3×3-valued Łukasiewicz Algebras with Negation
Gallardo, Carlos
Ziliani, Alicia
Tense Operators on BL-algebras and Their Applications
Paad, Akbar
A Note on Gödel-Dummet Logic LC
Robles, Gemma
Méndez, José M.
Neighbourhood Semantics for Graded Modal Logic
Chen, Jinsheng
van Ditmarsch, Hans
Greco, Giuseppe
Tzimoulis, Apostolos
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 4
The (Greatest) Fragment of Classical Logic that Respects the Variable-Sharing Principle (in the FMLA-FMLA Framework)
Szmuc, Damian E.
A Sound Interpretation of Leśniewski's Epsilon in Modal Logic KTB
Inoue, Takao
On Complete Representations and Minimal Completions in Algebraic Logic, Both Positive and Negative Results
Sayed Ahmed, Tarek
An Arithmetically Complete Predicate Modal Logic
Hao, Yunge
Tourlakis, George