Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory
Tome 46 (2017)
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 1/2
Cut Elimination Theorem for Non-Commutative Hypersequent Calculus
Indrzejczak, Andrzej
Four-Valued Logics BD and DM4: Expansions
Karpenko, Alexander S.
From Gentzen to Jaskowski and Back: Algorithmic Translation of Derivations Between the Two Main Systems of Natural Deduction
von Plato, Jan
Involutive Nonassociative Lambek Calculus: Sequent Systems and Complexity
Buszkowski, Wojciech
On Theses Without Iterated Modalities of Modal Logics Between C1 and S5. Part 1
Pietruszczak, Andrzej
Professor Grzegorz Malinowski in Honorem
Indrzejczak, Andrzej
Ciuciura, Janusz
Some Weak Variants of the Existence and Disjunction Properties in Intermediate Predicate Logics
Suzuki, Nobu-Yuki
The Infinite-Valued Łukasiewicz Logic and Probability
Czelakowski, Janusz
Three Doctrines of the Nature of Mathematics (Some Comments of a Knowledge Theorist)
Wójcicki, Ryszard
Universality of Logic
Woleński, Jan
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 3/4
A Syntactic Approach to Closure Operation
Nowak, Marek
An Inferentially Many-Valued Two-Dimensional Notion of Entailment
Blasio, Carolina
Marcos, João
Wansing, Heinrich
Bayesian Propositional Logic
Jarmużek, Tomasz
Klonowski, Mateusz
Malinowski, Jacek
Deontic Paradoxes and Tableau System for Kalinowski’s Deontic Logic K1
Ciuciura, Janusz
Identity, Equality, Nameability and Completeness
Manzano, María
Moreno, Manuel Crescencio
Logics with Impossibility as the Negation and Regular Extensions of the Deontic Logic D2
Mruczek-Nasieniewska, Krystyna
Nasieniewski, Marek
On Theses without Iterated Modalities of Modal Logics Between C1 and S5. Part 2
Pietruszczak, Andrzej