Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica
Tome 42 (2001)
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 1
Quasigroups of fractions
Kepka, Tomáš
p. 3-81
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 2
Tišer, Jaroslav
Balcar, Bohuslav
On dense subsets of rational numbers
Cichoń, Jacek
p. 5-10
A note on complex unions of subsets of the real line
Cichoń, Jacek
Jasiński, Andrzej
p. 11-15
On almost invariant subsets of the real line
Cichoń, Jacek
Szczepaniak, Przemyslaw
p. 17-21
On the splitting number and Mazurkiewicz's theorem
Cichoń, Jacek
Żeberski, Szymon
p. 23-25
On club-like principles on regular cardinals above
$\beth\sb \omega$
Džamonja, Mirna
p. 27-32
On projection of nonseparable Souslin and Borel sets along separable spaces
Holický, Petr
Komínek, Václav
p. 33-41
Life in the Sacks model
Hrušák, Michael
p. 43-58
Location of min-max critical points for multivalued functionals
Kristály, Alexandru
Varga, Csaba
p. 59-68
A combinatorial theorem for a symmetric triangulation of the sphere
Kulpa, Władysław
Turzański, Marian
p. 69-74
Extendibility of embeddings
Räsch, Thoralf
p. 75-88
On D.C. mappings and differences of convex operators
Veselý, Libor
Zajíček, Luděk
p. 89-97