Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica
Tome 08 (1967)
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 1
The effect of preasure on photoluminiscence and photovoltaic voltage in SgCl crystals
Vacek, K.
Vavřinec, E.
p. 3-7
On the energy transfer in chlorophyll adsorbed on AgCl
Vacek, K.
p. 9-13
The amplitude curves of seismic waves at short epicentral distances
Červený, Vlastislav
Janský, Jaromír
p. 15-21
On the rotation effect in eclipsing binaries
Plavec, M.
p. 23-54
The influence of the structure of the overburden on the amplitudes of reflected and head waves
Červený, Vlastislav
p. 55
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 2
Saug- und Rückstrom in Diffusionpumpen
Pátý, L.
p. 3-14
Contribution to the problematics of cuprous oxide rectifiers
Kužel, R.
p. 15-28
Elektrische Erscheinungen bei der plastischen Deformation von Silberchloridkristallen
Vavřinec, E.
p. 29-32
Problems of origin and evolution of the Kreutz family of Sun-grazing comets
Sekanina, Z.
p. 33-84
Intensity distribution of Cyanogen and Carbon bands in comet Everhart (1964 h)
Vanýsek, V.
Žáček, P.
p. 85-95