Annales de l'I.H.P. Physique théorique
Tome 13 (1970)
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 1
Expansion of inhomogenizations of all the classical Lie algebras to classical Lie algebras
Nagel, John G.
p. 1-26
Continuous bases for unitary irreducible representations of
Lindblad, G.
Nagel, B.
p. 27-56
Fields on a homogeneous space of the Poincaré group
Kihlberg, Arne
p. 57-76
Induced representations of the
de Sitter group in an angular momentum basis and the decomposition of these representations with respect to representations of the Lorentz group
Ström, Staffan
p. 77-98
Model hamiltonian for low energy baryon pseudo-scalar meson scattering
Rédei, L. B.
p. 99-102
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 2
A class of solvable Lie groups and their relation to the canonical formalism
Tilgner, Hans
p. 103-127
A spectrum generating nilpotent group for the relativistic free particle
Tilgner, Hans
p. 129-136
The irreducible ray representations of the full inhomogeneous Galilei group
Brennich, R. H.
p. 137-161
On the decomposition of the tensorial product of two representations of the Poincaré group - Case with at least one imaginary mass
Bertrand, J.
p. 163-194
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 3
On a certain class of semi-simple subalgebras of a semi-simple Lie algebra
Van Daele, A.
p. 195-213
An exponentiation theorem for unbounded derivations
Gille, J. F.
p. 215-220
Two simple applications of the deformation of Lie algebras
Levy-Nahas, Monique
p. 221-227
Distributions centrales sur
Schiffmann, G.
p. 229-240
Représentations unitaires des groupes de Lie résolubles
Bernat, P.
p. 241-252
Paramètres de Stokes et neutrino
Hillion, Pierre
p. 253-261
Champs de spin entier dans l'espace-temps de De Sitter
Castagnino, Mario
p. 263-270
Sommaire du
Fascicule no. 4
Les équations supplémentaires dans le formalisme de Newman-Penrose
Papapetrou, A.
p. 271-286
A generalization of metric tensor and its application
Perng, Jeng J.
p. 287-293
Contribution à l'étude du champ de Yang et Mills
Kerbrat-Lunc, Hélène
p. 295-343
Sur les interactions dans les équations d'ondes des particules à spin
Jolivet, André
p. 345-362
L'état fondamental de l'oscillateur harmonique est-il un cycle limite ?
Surdin, M.
p. 363-370