Modification of Topsis Method for Solving of Multicriteria Tasks
Yugoslav journal of operations research, Tome 20 (2010) no. 1.
Voir la notice de l'article dans eLibrary of Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
This paper describes the possible modifications of one of the multi-criteria
analysis methods that possess certain advantages in cases of solving the real business
problems. We will discuss the TOPSYS method, whereas the modification reflects in
change of the determination manner of the ideal and anti-ideal points in criteria
environment, in standardization of quantification and fuzzycation of the attributes in
cases of criteria expressed by linguistic variables.
Mots-clés :
Decision-making, multi-criteria analyses, attributes, fuzzy attribute description.
@article{YJOR_2010_20_1_a7, author = {Zoran Markovi\'c}, title = {Modification of {Topsis} {Method} for {Solving} of {Multicriteria} {Tasks}}, journal = {Yugoslav journal of operations research}, pages = {117 - 143}, publisher = {mathdoc}, volume = {20}, number = {1}, year = {2010}, url = {} }
Zoran Marković. Modification of Topsis Method for Solving of Multicriteria Tasks. Yugoslav journal of operations research, Tome 20 (2010) no. 1.