Yugoslav journal of operations research
Tome 20 (2010)
no. 1
Dynamic Stochastic Accumulation Model With Application to Pension Savings Management
Igor Melicherčik
Daniel Ševčovič
Managing the Exploitation Life of the Mining Machinery for a Limited Duration of Time
Slobodan Vujić
Radoslav Stanojević
Vencislav Ivanov
Borislav Zajić
Igor Miljanović
Svetomir Maksimović
Stefko Boševski
Tomo Benović
Marjan Hudej
A Partial Backlogging Inventory Model for Non-Instantaneous Deteriorating Items With Stock-Dependent Consumption Rate Under Inflation
Horng Jinh Chang
Wen Feng Lin
Inventory Models With Stock- and Price- Dependent Demand for Deteriorating Items Based on Limited Shelf Space
Chun-Tao Chang
Yi-Ju Chen
Tzong-Ru Tsai
Shuo-Jye Wu
Multicriteria Optimization in a Fuzzy Environment: the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
Milanka Gardašević-Filipović
Dragan Z. Šaletić
The Construction of the Firm’S Performance Evaluation Model on Outsourcing Activities - Application of the Fuzzy Synthesis
Chaang -Yung Kung
Tzung-Ming Yan
A Fuzzy Approach to Evoluation and Management of Therapeutic Procedure in Diabetes Mellitus Treatment
Danijela Tadić
Predrag Popović
Aleksandar Đukić
Modification of Topsis Method for Solving of Multicriteria Tasks
Zoran Marković
An EOQ for Deteriorating Items Under Supplier Credits When Demand is Stock Dependent
Nita H. Shah
Poonam Mishra
A Genetic Algorithm for Composing Music
Dragan Matić