A Note on Actions of a Monoidal Category
Theory and Applications of Categories [electronic only]
, CT2000, Tome 9 (2000), pp. 61-91.
Voir la notice de l'article dans Theory and Applications of Categories website
An action $* : \cal V \times \cal A \to \cal A$ of a monoidal category
$\cal V$ on a category $\cal A$ corresponds to a strong monoidal functor
$F : \cal V \to [\cal A,\cal A]$
into the monoidal category of endofunctors of $\cal A$. In many practical
cases, the ordinary functor $f : \cal V \to [cal \A, \cal A]$ underlying the
monoidal $F$ has a right adjoint $g$; and when this is so, $F$ itself
has a right adjoint $G$ as a monoidal functor - so that, passing to
the categories of monoids (also called ``algebras'') in $\cal V$ and in
$[\cal A, \cal A]$, we have an adjunction $Mon F$ left adjoint to $Mon G$
between the
category $Mon \cal V$ of monoids in $\cal V$ and the category
$Mon [\cal A, \cal A] = Mnd \cal A$ of monads on $\cal A$. We give
sufficient conditions for the
existence of the right adjoint $g$, which involve the existence of
right adjoints for the functors $X * - $ and $ * A$, and make
$\cal A$
(at least when $\cal V$ is symmetric and closed) into a tensored and
cotensored $cal \V$-category ${\bf A}$. We give explicit formulae, as large
ends, for the right adjoints $g$ and $Mon G$, and also for some related
right adjoints, when they exist; as well as another explicit expression
for $Mon G$ as a large limit, which uses a new representation of any
(large) limit of monads of two special kinds, and an analogous result
for general endofunctors.
Classification :
18C15, 18D10, 18D20.
Mots-clés : monoidal category, action, enriched category, monoid, monad, adjunction.
Mots-clés : monoidal category, action, enriched category, monoid, monad, adjunction.
@article{TAC_2000__9_a3, author = {G. Janelidze and G.M. Kelly}, title = {A {Note} on {Actions} of a {Monoidal} {Category}}, journal = {Theory and Applications of Categories [electronic only] }, pages = {61--91}, volume = {9}, year = {2000}, language = {en}, url = {https://geodesic-test.mathdoc.fr/item/TAC_2000__9_a3/} }
G. Janelidze; G.M. Kelly. A Note on Actions of a Monoidal Category. Theory and Applications of Categories [electronic only] , CT2000, Tome 9 (2000), pp. 61-91. https://geodesic-test.mathdoc.fr/item/TAC_2000__9_a3/