Sibirskij Matematicheskij Zhurnal
Tome 47 (2006)
no. 3
Analytic implementation of the duals of some spaces of infinitely differentiable functions.
Abanin, A.V.
Filip'ev, I.A.
p. 485
Multidimensional integral operators with bihomogeneous kernels: A projection method and pseudospectra.
Avsyankin, O.G.
p. 501
A remark on -spaces.
Alpay, Safak
Ercan, Zafer
p. 514
The Carleman formula for the Helmholtz equation on the plane.
Arbuzov, È. V.
Bukhgeim, A.L.
p. 518
On the boundary value problem for the spectrally loaded heat conduction operator.
Dzhenaliev, M.T.
Ramazanov, M.I.
p. 527
The push-out space of immersed spheres.
Kaya, Yusuf
p. 548
An addition theorem for the manifolds with the Laplacian having discrete spectrum.
Kuz'minov, V.I.
Shvedov, I.A.
p. 557
-covering systems of subgroups for the class of supersoluble groups.
Li, Yangming
p. 575
The Riemann method for equations with leading partial derivative in .
Mironov, A.N.
p. 584
Elementary submodels of parametrizable models.
Morozov, A.S.
p. 595
Embedding theorems in the Sobolev-Morrey type spaces with dominant mixed derivatives.
Nadzhafov, A.M.
p. 613
Estimates for a solution to one differential inequality.
Romanov, V.G.
p. 626
On applicability of the projection method to two-dimensional Toeplitz operators with measurable symbol.
Sazonov, L.I.
p. 636
Lipschitzian superposition operators on metric semigroups and abstract convex cones of mappings of finite -variation.
Solycheva, O.M.
p. 649
The structure of subnormal subgroups of symplectic groups over local rings.
Tazhetdinov, S.
p. 665
Operads and varieties of algebras defined by polylinear identities.
Tronin, S.N.
p. 670
On -subsets of naturals over abelian groups.
Khisamiev, A.N.
p. 695
The variational contact problem for elastic objects of different dimensions.
Khludnev, A.M.
Hoffmann, Karl-Heinz
Botkin, N.D.
p. 707
A characterization of alternating groups by the set of orders of maximal Abelian subgroups.
Chen, Guiyun
p. 718