Sibirskij Matematicheskij Zhurnal
Tome 46 (2005)
no. 1
The boundary-value problem for the transport equation with purely Compton scattering.
Anikonov, D.S.
Konovalova, D.S.
p. 3
Linear representations of the group of conjugating automorphisms and the braid groups of some manifolds.
Bardakov, V.G.
p. 17
On representation of elements of a von Neumann algebra in the form of finite sums of products of projections.
Bikchentaev, A.M.
p. 32
Large deviations for random walks with nonidentically distributed jumps having infinite variance.
Borovkov, A.A.
p. 46
Complexity of some natural problems in automatic structures.
Vinokurov, N.S.
p. 71
To the question about the maximum principle for manifolds over local algebras.
Gaisin, T.I.
p. 79
The Cayley–Menger determinant is irreducible for .
D'Andrea, Carlos
Sombra, Martín
p. 90
The direct Lyapunov method for an almost periodic difference system on a compactum.
Dobrovol'skij, S.M.
Rogozin, A.V.
p. 98
The magnetic geodesic flow on a homogeneous symplectic manifold.
Efimov, D.I.
p. 106
An ill-posed nonlocal two-point problem for systems of partial differential equations.
Il'kiv, V.S.
Ptashnik, B.I.
p. 119
The space of Fourier-Haar multipliers.
Lelond, O.V.
Semenov, E.M.
Uksusov, S.N.
p. 130
Approximation of the resonance boundary-value problems of elliptic type with a discontinuous nonlinearity.
Lepchinskii, M.G.
Pavlenko, V.N.
p. 139
Symmetry operators of a Hartree-type equation with quadratic potential.
Lisok, A.L.
Trifonov, A.Yu.
Shapovalov, A.V.
p. 149
On the generalized Morrey spaces.
Cui, Lihong
Yang, Qixiang
p. 166
Computability potential scales of -element algebras with restrictions on arity.
Pinus, A.G.
p. 177
Computability in special models.
Puzarenko, V.G.
p. 185
Order properties of the space of strongly additive transition functions.
Sotnikov, A.I.
p. 209
The pseudorational rank of an Abelian group.
Tsarev, A.V.
p. 217
The small index property for quadratic spaces.
Chirkov, I.V.
Shevelin, M.A.
p. 230