Galileo, Kepler a letošní Mezinárodní rok astronomie – 2009
Rozhledy matematicko-fyzikální, Tome 84 (2009) no. 1, pp. 3-5.
Voir la notice de l'article dans Czech Digital Mathematics Library
The year 2009 has been proclaimed the International Year of Astronomy. The paper describes the activities taking place both in the Czech Republic and abroad; and it presents related websites.
@article{RMF_2009__84_1_a1, author = {\v{S}olcov\'a, Alena}, title = {Galileo, {Kepler} a leto\v{s}n{\'\i} {Mezin\'arodn{\'\i}} rok astronomie {\textendash} 2009}, journal = {Rozhledy matematicko-fyzik\'aln{\'\i}}, pages = {3--5}, publisher = {mathdoc}, volume = {84}, number = {1}, year = {2009}, language = {cz}, url = {} }
Šolcová, Alena. Galileo, Kepler a letošní Mezinárodní rok astronomie – 2009. Rozhledy matematicko-fyzikální, Tome 84 (2009) no. 1, pp. 3-5.