Publications de l 'Institut Mathématique
Tome 2000 (2000)
no. 88
The maximality of the typed lambda calculus and of cartesian closed categories
Kosta Došen
Zoran Petrić
p. 1
Note on a question of Reinhold Baer on pregroups
Seymour Lipschutz
Wujie Shi
p. 53
Differentiable functions in associative and alternative algebras and smooth surfaces in projective spaces over these algebras
Boris A. Rosenfeld
p. 67
Best lambda-approximations for analytic functions of rapid growth on the unit disc
Slavko Simić
p. 72
Singular perturbations of ordinary differential equations in Colombeau spaces
Marko Nedeljkov
Danijela Rajter
p. 83
A note on a theorem of Vidav
Vladimir Rakočević
p. 105
Bonne position au sens de Levitin-Polyak dans le cadre de la minimisation des fonctionnelles intégrales
D. Mentagui
p. 108
A classification of 3-type curves in Minkowski 3-space e_1^3, II
Emilija Šućurović
p. 117
Convergence in (2m)-th mean for perturbed stochastic integrodifferential equations
Svetlana Janković
Miljana Jovanović
p. 133