Fixed points for occasionally weakly biased mappings of type $(A)$
Mathematica Moravica, Tome 26 (2022) no. 1.

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In this paper, in the first step, we will introduce the concept of occasionally weakly biased mappings of type $(A)$ which is a convenient generalization of the concept of weakly biased mappings of type $(A)$. In the second step, we will show that this new definition coincides with our concept of occasionally weakly biased mappings given in \cite{BD}. In the third and last step we will give an example which verifies the validity of our result.
Mots-clés : Weakly $f$-biased (respectively $g$-biased) of type $(A)$ mappings, occasionally weakly $f$-biased (respectively $g$-biased) of type $(A)$ mappings, implicit relation, unique common fixed point theorems, metric space.
     author = {Hakima Bouhadjera},
     title = {Fixed points for occasionally weakly biased mappings of type $(A)$},
     journal = {Mathematica Moravica},
     pages = {113 - 122},
     publisher = {mathdoc},
     volume = {26},
     number = {1},
     year = {2022},
     url = {}
AU  - Hakima Bouhadjera
TI  - Fixed points for occasionally weakly biased mappings of type $(A)$
JO  - Mathematica Moravica
PY  - 2022
SP  - 113 
EP  -  122
VL  - 26
IS  - 1
PB  - mathdoc
UR  -
ID  - MM3_2022_26_1_a8
ER  - 
%0 Journal Article
%A Hakima Bouhadjera
%T Fixed points for occasionally weakly biased mappings of type $(A)$
%J Mathematica Moravica
%D 2022
%P 113 - 122
%V 26
%N 1
%I mathdoc
%F MM3_2022_26_1_a8
Hakima Bouhadjera. Fixed points for occasionally weakly biased mappings of type $(A)$. Mathematica Moravica, Tome 26 (2022) no. 1.