Inequalities of General Convex Functions and Applications
Mathematica Moravica, Tome 16 (2012) no. 1.
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This paper presents very characteristic illustrations of transversal sets (as upper, lower and middle) via general convex functions. Since the general convex functions are defined by a functional inequality, it is not surprising that this notation will lead to a number od important inequalities. This fact is connected de facto with the notation of transversal sets.
@article{MM3_2012_16_1_a2, author = {Milan Taskovi\'c}, title = {Inequalities of {General} {Convex} {Functions} and {Applications}}, journal = {Mathematica Moravica}, pages = {37 - 116}, publisher = {mathdoc}, volume = {16}, number = {1}, year = {2012}, url = {} }
Milan Tasković. Inequalities of General Convex Functions and Applications. Mathematica Moravica, Tome 16 (2012) no. 1.