Transversal Ordered Interval and Edges Spaces, Fixed Points and Applications
Mathematica Moravica, Tome 13 (2009) no. 1.
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In this paper we formulate a new structure of spaces which we call it transversal (upper, middle or lower) ordered interval spaces. Also, we formulate a new structure of spaces which we call it transversal (upper, middle or lower) ordered edges spaces. We introduce this concepts as a natural extension of transversal probabilistic, Fréchet’s, Kurepa’s and Menger’s spaces. This are concepts of transversal spaces with nonnumerical transverses. Transversal ordered interval and edges
spaces are new concepts of spaces in the fixed point theory and further a new way in nonlinear functional analysis. In this sense, we introduce notions of the ordered interval contractions on upper and lower transversal ordered interval spaces and prove some fixed point statements as and further applications. This concept have very important applications in numerical analysis and quantum particle physics by L. Collatz [Funktionalanalysis und Num. Math. Springer-Verlag,1964].
Mots-clés :
General ecart, distance, Fréchet’s spaces, Kurepa’s spaces, Menger’s spaces, transversal spaces, nonnumerical transverses, transversal probabilistic spaces, transversal ordered interval spaces, transverse, bisection functions, fixed points, ordered interval contractions, intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces, L-fuzzy metric spaces, edges spaces, middle transversal interval space, middle transversal edges space, Tasković’s transversal spaces
@article{MM3_2009_13_1_a6, author = {Milan Taskovi\'c}, title = {Transversal {Ordered} {Interval} and {Edges} {Spaces,} {Fixed} {Points} and {Applications}}, journal = {Mathematica Moravica}, pages = {49 - 75}, publisher = {mathdoc}, volume = {13}, number = {1}, year = {2009}, url = {} }
Milan Tasković. Transversal Ordered Interval and Edges Spaces, Fixed Points and Applications. Mathematica Moravica, Tome 13 (2009) no. 1.