Théorie d'Iwasawa p-adique locale et globale.
Inventiones mathematicae, Tome 99 (1990) no. 1, p. 247.
Voir la notice de l'article dans European Digital Mathematics Library
Classification :
14H52, 11R23, 11G05, 11G40
Mots-clés : Iwasawa theory, supersingular reduction, Tate-Shafarevich group, p-adic L-function, Selmer groups, ring of norms, p-adic heights, supersingular elliptic curves
Mots-clés : Iwasawa theory, supersingular reduction, Tate-Shafarevich group, p-adic L-function, Selmer groups, ring of norms, p-adic heights, supersingular elliptic curves
@article{IM_1990__99_1_143759, author = {Bernadette Perrin-Riou}, title = {Th\'eorie {d'Iwasawa} p-adique locale et globale.}, journal = {Inventiones mathematicae}, pages = {247}, publisher = {mathdoc}, volume = {99}, number = {1}, year = {1990}, zbl = {0715.11030}, language = {un}, url = {} }
Bernadette Perrin-Riou. Théorie d'Iwasawa p-adique locale et globale.. Inventiones mathematicae, Tome 99 (1990) no. 1, p. 247.