A memory of Lech Dubikajtis (1925-2014)
Antiquitates Mathematicae, Tome 10 (2016).
The article presents the scholarly, didactic, organizational and social activities of Professor Lech Dubikajtis (1925-2014). The author knew the Professor since her high school days, as he was her geometry teacher in an advanced placement class in Torun. Besides, the article contains the list of scholarly and didactic publications by L. Dubikajtis.
@article{ANME_2016__10_293083, author = {Bogumi{\l}a Klemp-Dyczek}, title = {A memory of {Lech} {Dubikajtis} (1925-2014)}, journal = {Antiquitates Mathematicae}, volume = {10}, year = {2016}, language = {en}, url = {https://geodesic-test.mathdoc.fr/item/ANME_2016__10_293083/} }
Bogumiła Klemp-Dyczek. A memory of Lech Dubikajtis (1925-2014). Antiquitates Mathematicae, Tome 10 (2016). https://geodesic-test.mathdoc.fr/item/ANME_2016__10_293083/