Mathematica Moravica
Tome 4 (2000)
no. 1
Correction d'une Demonstration dans un Travail Anterieur
Dušan Adamović
On p-Semigroups
Vjekoslav Budimirović
An Estimation of Approximation for the Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations
Tomica Divnić
Initial Segments in BCC-algebras
Wiesław Dudek
Xiaohong Zhang
A Convergence Criterion of Series
Nebojša Elez
The Pre-limit of a Real-Valued Function
Dimitrije Hajduković
Completeness Theorem for Boolean Models with Strictly Positive Measure
Nebojša Ikodinović
On Eigenvalues and Main Eigenvalues of a Graph
Mirko Lepović
Submeasures with Probabilistic Structures
Octavian Lipovan
Some Properties Similar to Countable Compactness and Lindelöf Property
Dušan Milovančević
Some Properties of Spaces Similar to Čech-Complete Property
Dušan Milovančević
Some Characterization of Lorentzian Spherical Spacelike Curves with the Timelike and the Null Principal Normal
Miroslava Petrović-Torgašev
Emilija Šućurović
Some Fixed Point Theorems for Multi-Valued Mappings on Reflexive Banach Spaces
Valeriu Popa
A Group Blind Signature Scheme Based on the Strong RSA Assumption
Constantin Popescu
A Note on the Post's Coset Theorem
Janez Ušan
Mališa Žižović
On (n,m)-Groups
Janez Ušan