Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie
Tome 41 (2000)
no. 1
A common characterization of the curvature axis for ruled surfaces and curves. (Eine gemeinsame Kennzeichnung der Krümmungsachse bei Regelflächen und Kurven.)
Benz, Walter
p. 1
Reguli and chains over skew fields.
Blunck, Andrea
p. 7
A new algorithm for the Quillen-Suslin theorem.
Laubenbacher, Reinhard C.
Woodburn, Cynthia J.
p. 23
Towards a classification of homogeneous integral table algebras of degree five.
Darafsheh, M.R.
Rahnamai Barghi, A.
p. 33
On minimal solutions of Diophantine equations.
Henk, Martin
Weismantel, Robert
p. 49
Freeness, linear disjointness, and implicitization -- a classical approach.
Steinwandt, Rainer
Müller-Quade, Jörn
p. 57
Kähler differentials of affine monomials curves.
Geller, S.
Maloo, Alok Kumar
Patil, D.P.
Roberts, L.G.
p. 67
Modular elements in congruence lattices of -sets.
Vernikov, Boris M.
p. 85
Minimal spherical shells and linear semi-infinite optimization.
Juhnke, Friedich
Sarges, Olaf
p. 93
On the symmetric difference metric for convex bodies.
Groemer, H.
p. 107
Green functions and a conjecture of Geck and Malle.
Shoji, Toshiaki
p. 115
Equivariant higher -theory for compact Lie group actions.
Kuku, Aderemi O.
p. 141
Simple counter examples for the unsolvability of the Fermat- and Steiner-Weber-problem by compass and ruler.
Mehlhos, St.
p. 151
Homogeneous parabolic surfaces in .
Walter, Rolf
p. 159
The concept of cutting vectors for vector systems in the Euclidean plane.
Heinz, Günter
p. 181
Construction of set theoretic complete intersections via semigroup gluing.
Thoma, Apostolos
p. 195
Affine super-Pythagorean geometry.
Pambuccian, Victor
p. 199
The root space decompositions of the quadratic Lie superalgebras.
Benayadi, Saïd
p. 203
Generators of order two for and its two double covers.
Brinkman, John
p. 223
Möbius invariants for pairs of spheres in the Möbius space .
Sulanke, Rolf
p. 233
2-blocking sets in PG(4, ), square.
Metsch, Klaus
Storme, L.
p. 247
Quasi-Frobenius modules.
Naoum, Adil G.
Al-Shalgy, Layla S.M.
p. 257
Classification of unilateral and equitransitive tilings by squares pf three sizes.
Bölcskei, Attila
p. 267
Koszul cohomology and -normality of a projective variety.
Alzati, A.
Besana, G.M.
p. 279
Hochschild cohomology rings of algebras .
Holm, Thorsten
p. 291