Algebra i analiz
Tome 25 (2013)
no. 2
On the mathematical work of Vladimir Savel'evich Buslaev
V. M. Babich
A. M. Budylin
L. A. Dmitrieva
A. I. Komech
S. B. Levin
M. V. Perel'
E. A. Rybakina
V. V. Sukhanov
A. A. Fedotov
p. 3-36
Schr\"odinger equations with time-dependent strong magnetic fields
D. Aiba
K. Yajima
p. 37-62
Uniform estimates near the initial state for solutions of the two-phase parabolic problem
D. E. Apushkinskaya
N. N. Uraltseva
p. 63-74
Semiclassical asymptotics of the solutions of matrix Riemann--Hilbert problems with fast oscillation of non-diagonal elements
A. M. Budylin
p. 75-100
On asymptotic properties of polynomials orthogonal with respect to varying weights and related topics of spectral theory
I. E. Egorova
L. A. Pastur
p. 101-124
Supersymmetric structures for second order differential operators
F. Hérau
M. Hitrik
J. Sjöstrand
p. 125-154
Hill discriminants and spectra of periodic Jacobi matrices
V. A. Marchenko
p. 155-161
Nondispersive vanishing and blow up at infinity for the energy critical nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation in~
$\mathbb R^3$
C. Ortoleva
G. Perelman
p. 162-192
Examples of the Hamiltonian structures from the theory of integrable models and their quantization
L. D. Faddeev
p. 193-202
Monodromization method in the theory of almost-periodic equations
A. A. Fedotov
p. 203-235
Scattering for differential operators of order four on the half-line.~I. Direct problem
R. G. Shterenberg
V. V. Sukhanov
p. 236-250
Spectral and scattering theory for perturbations of the Carleman operator
D. R. Yafaev
p. 251-278
Erratum: A.\,L.~Chistov, ``Estimating the power of a~system of equations that determines a~variety of reducible polynomials'' (Algebra i Analiz 24 (2012), no.~3, 199--222)